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One of our main objectives is the raising of awareness towards climate action and climate justice. We believe that the African continent can benefit the most if people are actually aware of the dangers of global warming and climate change which are both natural and man-made.


Awareness is a uniquely African challenge as the continent faces many other problems which take precedence over climate action. Such problems and factors include extreme poverty, cultural upbringing, economics, social norms, and practices, and lack of government initiative, etc. Africans across all spectrum thereby need to be educated and made aware of how climate change and global warming impacts our lives and the practical steps that we can take from all levels to reduce these effects. 


We are especially concerned with practical steps that African people and nations can take, realising that we as a continent and people face problems and circumstances that are peculiar to us. In this regard, The Allies For Earth engages in publishing digital content (journal publications, documentaries, newsletters, social media awareness campaigns, podcasts, etc.) centred around environmental awareness, engages in youth awareness and educational campaigns, and also collaborates with government and non-governmental institutions, storytellers, celebrated persons as well as normal every-day people to bring crucial information to people, especially those living in remote areas who might otherwise not have access to such information.


Awareness campaigns are meant to empower people through knowledge, as we must not tackle our climate problems from a place of fear, but rather from a place of courage and strength.


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We realise that information without action can only get us so far. In that regard, The  Allies for Earth calls for people across all spectrum of the African continent to take action in tackling the climate issues we face as a human race. We also realise that for us to successfully address climate change, global warming, and the environmental problems that we face as a society, there needs to be strong engagement with the communities who are faced with these problems on a daily basis as they are the ones who stand to both benefit the most from climate action and also lose the most from environmental




There cannot be successful climate action without useful community engagement. In that regard, community projects such as cleanup campaigns, waste management practices, tree planting projects, social enterprises, etc. are an integral part of the non-profit work carried out by Allies For Earth. Some of the most important work that we do involves helping local communities to profit and benefit from taking climate action. This includes helping them to find ways of making a living in a socially responsible way that sustains the environment and this work touches everyone from local subsistence farmers to small to medium entrepreneurs.


Incentivising climate action is one of the best ways in which we can engage the local communities and encourage them to take climate action.


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Policy and implementation are crucial in the fight against climate change and global warming. For the African Society to take meaningful and lasting positive climate action, the rules and laws in place should reflect a serious attitude towards our unique climate problems. This, unfortunately, is an area in which most if not all African countries continue to trail behind. Our governments need to step up and direct our people in the right direction in terms of taking climate action. Further, our environmental laws and policies should reflect the uniquely African problems that we as a continent face. Municipal laws must also reflect the broader international frameworks set in place to combat climate change, whilst addressing the African problem all the same. 



As such, our legal work focuses on both policy and implementation. We plan to work with a broad team of professionals within the legal field (lawyers, professors, policy and lawmakers), as well as authorities (ministries, prosecuting authorities, environmental management agencies) across the African continent and particularly the SADC region in an effort to align law and policy to practical situations on the ground. This requires collaboration between our organisation and the relevant authorities in each area of concern as well as lobbying action.


We also engage in collecting legal and statistical data that will help inform relevant authorities on the current climate situation, progress made, and how best to tackle climate and environmental problems through policy and implementation. This data also involves statistics on environmental crimes, cases, and convictions.


Our work in shaping policy invariably touches on our broader work on raising awareness towards climate problems and figuring out solutions on how best to solve these problems. Last but not least, our legal division works to keep individuals, corporations, and institutions (both governmental and non-governmental) accountable to the environment through public interest litigation. In this regard, we work with leading lawyers and affected communities in trying to mitigate against losses suffered by the public and damage to the environment resulting from adverse actions from individuals, corporations, and


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